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Social media supervision

Social media parental control App

Screen your children’s social media presence proactively by Using Kido Protect parental app to monitor social media Activities

What would you do to follow and understand all your kid’s internet activity and usage? Can you control social media use? Social media is fraught with risks for young kids. There are several aspects of their social media usage that will need close monitoring by parents. Our social media parental control App helps parents proactively block any questionable services and prevents any long-lasting effects on their kids. There is a specific screen for this activity that will allow parents to undertake various activities related to social media supervision.

Our content filtering technology helps parents readily address the issues of objectionable social media content on time. It can readily track the social media usage of your children and follow their conversations too. It will help you to address any activity that requires your attention. You can set different criteria for the various social media channels. For example, you can select a criterion for Facebook that is different from Instagram or WhatsApp. The content filtering also works on all the social media channels supported by our app.